At long last, I finally completed a project with the Raspberry Pi Zero. I bought one several months ago, but it just collected dust in my office. Adafruit recently released a little bonnet for the Pi Zero with hand-held arcade controls. It fits perfectly on top of the Pi Zero. Purchasing the bonnet finally motivated me to use the Pi Zero.
Soldering for the first time
Installing the joy bonnet on top of the Pi Zero requires a little soldering. I needed to install male header pins to the Pi Zero. I have never soldered prior to this. My first attempt at soldering was a bit clumsy and messy.
But much to my surprise, it works!
Installing RetroPie
This little project was also my first RetroPie project. RetroPie is easier to setup and install than I had expected. The YouTube video by TechTipsta made the process clear and easy.
Enjoying some retro games
I’m pretty happy my first Raspberry Pi project. It’s really simple, easy and fun. It is a little hard to use the controls because of the size, but that makes it really portable.